Kind of a surprise to look out the kitchen window and find this hansom fellow in the back yard, but that is life out here in New Mexico, you just never know what is going to happen next.
This view was, as usual for such events preceded by a surprised yell as I was relaxing at my computer enjoying a cup of coffee. Rushing out to see what disaster was threatening I was met by this beautiful horse and two of his buddies. Susannah had glanced out the window just in time to see the west end of this east bound creature go by, and thought it might be a neighbor coming to visit. Nope, just three unidentified horses that were enjoying the fresh grass in our back yard, having traveled down our 400 foot drive from the highway.
After getting this picture and several others (not as good) I realized that I had seen at least one of these fine specimens on some property up the road. We did know the owner of that property and so gave a call. Susannah got the owners son and when she described the three horses he recognized them as belonging to his sister and the two of them came over to retrieve them.
That was when the fun began. Apparently they much preferred the fresh grass of our yard to the hay that was offered to them to induce them to follow their owners home. Quite honestly, I just about laughed myself silly watching them try to round up even one of the horses. I remembered the "fun" several of us had trying to convince a young steer to move to a different pasture one time. We never did succeed, had to bring a real cowboy in on a horse to move that demented thing.
At last the black and white one was haltered and was last seen walking behind a slow moving pickup with its nose in a bag of oats and the son strolling along side of it hold the halter. We told them to take their time getting the other two, we didn't mind the loss of a little grass, but they said they would be right back as soon as they got that one home.
At that point I retreated to the house, still chuckling. On the other hand, I also remember the night I tried docking our 40 foot sailboat with a side wind and a whole party load of people on a boat next to our slip. Normally I had no trouble docking with grace, but no such luck with that group watching. In the end they took mercy on me, grabbed a tossed line and pulled me into the dock. So I decided that maybe they would have better luck with the last two horses if I didn't watch.
Susannah was not so nice and enjoyed watching the Chinese fire drill that apparently ensued when a bunch of people returned and tried to chase those ponies up the drive way. Eventually they made, and Susannah said they turned right at the highway and preceded to head home, about a quarter mile away. Must of done ok because the next day we drove by and they were happily grazing on their own property.
Another normal day at the hacienda. No, we really don't miss television, there is generally something more interesting going on around here, even if it just the humming bird fights at the feeders or the moon going down behind the mountains or maybe a coyote trotting across the yard going somewhere as straight as an arrow. Real excitement here is watching a thunderstorm come down from the mountains and head our way bring some much appreciated rain.
Ah, the sun is now behind the mountains, a soft breeze is blowing as things cool down, and the trees over in the oak grove are muttering and fussing before settling down. All is well.
Mike L