Sunday, May 24, 2009

Of Cats and Dogs

While I am posting pictures, thought I would post a few of the "family" although you will have to wait for a good picture of Susannah. The first picture is of Amber, the cat that adopted us down in Texas by crawling out from under an RV and literally wrapping herself around my ankle. I caught this picture of her "the morning after the night before" that she decided not to come in and spent the night out.

I think it is pretty obvious that she really enjoyed herself.

Our other cat is Oliver, and we saw him up for adoption at PetSmart. Amber does not like to sit on laps, and her purr is so quiet that most of the time I can't hear it even when holding her. So when they said that Oliver loved to sit in laps and purrs loud we paid the fee and took him. He does like to roll in the dirt.

They were half right, he purrs loud, but only sits on your lap when HE wants to.

The brown lump is not really eating my slipper, he is just resting his head on it. That is Chaco, and I met him when Susannah and I were shopping and they had an adoption fair outside the store. This was just after my radiation treatment so she told me to go look at the dogs while she went in and shopped. When she came out Chaco was sitting with his head in my lap, and I could read Susannah's lips as she said "OH! S**T!" He has turned out to be a wonderful dog, and after about 9 months even Susannah has found she likes him. But I probably will never get a picture of Chaco sleeping with his head on HER foot :).

Oh, the big lump sitting in the chair is me relaxing in front of the wood stove on a cold night with my admirers around me.


  1. Mike, I have cat and dog stories, I would like to post, but fear people would think I was a liar. Do you ever think they are sometimes better than people.(heresy!!!).

    BTW when I went to your blog today the screen said "ABORTED." Miracle???

  2. Jack, I wouldn't worry about people thinking you are a liar, after all they probably think you are something much worse :). Yeah, sometimes animals are a lot better than people.

    You have the most interesting experiences with my blog, I wonder just what is going on. Well, maybe if the Church really considers it miraculous they will cannoze it. Can't you just see it "St. Strangeviewpoint" :).

    The day is beautiful, God is Good!

    Mike L

  3. Great pictures! They all look very happy :) Next I expect photos of the turkeys and lizards and coyotes.

    I have some photos of my cats up too here - Crystal

  4. Wonderful pictures, Crystal. The memories must be wonderful too.

    Our turnkey vanished just before Thanksgiving, alas. We hope she found a mate and left to join his flock, but the timing was bad. The Coyotes have not been seen since I had to shoot the one, and I kind of hope it stays that way since they seem to have a fond taste for cat. Now the lizards are something else, will have to keep and eye out for them.

    Mike L
